MIGRAIN assessment 1 - learner response
1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).
WWW: Strong knowledge of narrative theory and reception theory with good grasp of media terminology
EBI: Some of your responses are repetition of theory rather than analysis levelvation of product.
2) Read the mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Identify at least one potential point that you missed out on for each question in the assessment.
Question 1: and understanding of the influences of the social
and cultural contexts on media products that is consistently supported by
highly appropriate and effective reference to the set products.
Question 2:Some satisfactory knowledge and understanding of the influences of the
social and cultural contexts on media products that is sometimes
supported by generally appropriate reference to the set products but
inconsistently effective.
Question 3;Good knowledge and understanding of the influences of the social and
cultural contexts on media products that is usually supported by mostly
appropriate and effective reference to the set products.
Question 4:Excellent and accurate understanding of the theoretical framework that
is demonstrated by consistently appropriate explanation and comparison
of the connotations in the products.
3) Read this exemplar response from a previous Year 12 (an A grade). Identify at least one potential point for each question from this student's paper that you missed out on in your assessment.
4) Did you get any media terminology or theory wrong in the assessment? Make a note of it here for future revision, including theories/terminology that you could have used but didn't.
5) Identify your weakest question and write out a new response or plan that would improve on your original response. Use the mark scheme and exemplar paper to identify anticipated content you can add to your response and make sure your re-draft or plan would be a top-level answer.
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